OxTREC application process


All applicants should now be using the online ethics application system (Worktribe) via their University Single Sign-on (SSO). The Microsoft Word application forms have been replaced by one online form.  The form is dynamic, so the questions applicants are asked to answer will depend on answers to questions in the initial scope tab.

Please refer to the guidance within the Worktribe ethics applicant user guide.

Contact worktribe-ethics@it.ox.ac.uk with any questions about the new system.

Microsoft Word application forms will no longer be accepted.



Criteria for submitting to OxTREC

If a research project involves human participants wholly outside the United Kingdom and the European Union it should be submitted to OxTREC for ethics review if it meets any of the following criteria:

  • The research involves a medical, therapeutic, or pharmaceutical intervention of any kind.
  • The participants are recruited by virtue of being under the care of a healthcare professional.
  • The research may identify conditions which require the attention of a healthcare professional.
  • The research involves an invasive procedure (class A in the CUREC glossary).
  • The research involves human tissue samples

Or if:

  • The study is funded by the US National Institutes of Health or another US federal funding agency, and the study has not been or cannot be reviewed by an NHS ethics committee which has been registered with the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), even if performed within the UK or the EU.

Before starting any application to OxTREC, please refer to this guide:

Clinical research sponsorship

If you wish the University to sponsor a clinical trial or clinical research study that will be reviewed at an OxTREC full committee meeting, you should make contact with the Insurance Team (research.insurance@admin.ox.ac.uk) as early as possible, preferably at the time of the funding application and with the RGEA sponsorship group (rgea.overseas@admin.ox.ac.uk) at least 3 weeks before the OxTREC submission deadline. This will ensure that any sponsorship issues can be addressed. It will also enable determination of whether insurance cover can be arranged and, if so, any potential cost. A letter confirming sponsorship will then be issued prior to submission to OxTREC. 



How to apply

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Requirements for ethics review

Ethics review by OxTREC will not normally be required for:

  • most research on educational methods (NB: 'educational methods' are methods used for the instruction of students in a learning environment)
  • research on publicly available anonymised data
  • audits or service reviews:
  • laboratory services provided to another organisation that is sponsoring a clinical research project and that has ethics approval. All other studies should be submitted for ethics review (see the sections on 'Applying for minimal risk review' and 'Applying for full committee review' below).

Studies involving Oxford investigators as collaborators

For any study that fits the criteria for review by OxTREC (above) on which an Oxford investigator is collaborating:

If the Oxford investigator has played/will play a major role in the design and/or conduct of the study, then it needs to be submitted to OxTREC for review.

For example:

  • the Oxford investigator has played a significant role in developing the protocol and/or participant recruitment process for the study, or
  • the Oxford investigator will have direct contact with participants, eg taking consent; conducting medical or qualitative procedures, or
  • the Oxford investigator will make decisions about participants' care, or
  • the Oxford investigator will play a significant role in analysing the results from the study.

NB: this list of examples is indicative, not exhaustive.



Some studies involving NIH data repositories (eg dbGaP, NIDDK Central Repository) that are not otherwise being reviewed by OxTREC may require evidence of ethics approval from the researcher's host institution before they will release previously collected, anonymised data from the repository. In such cases, please contact the OxTREC secretariat, providing all relevant details, for further advice.


Studies involving collection of human tissue samples should be submitted to OxTREC for ethics review and approval in the usual way. 

Please note that where it is planned to import the samples into England, it is the responsibility of the PI to make arrangements to store them under the governance of a Human Tissue Authority (HTA) licence before the samples are transferred. Please get in touch with the Human Tissue Governance Team hta_help@admin.ox.ac.uk to discuss options for sample storage.

It is a legal requirement that any tissue or fluid made up of, or containing, human cells to be used for the purpose of research is stored on premises licensed by the HTA unless covered by an exemption. OxTREC approval is not a recognised exemption.

Further information is available on the Human tissue governance pages. Any queries should be directed to hta_help@admin.ox.ac.uk.


All applicants should now be using the online ethics application system (Worktribe) using their University Single Sign-on (SSO). The Microsoft Word application forms have been replaced by one online form. The form is dynamic, so the questions applicants are asked to answer will depend on answers to questions in the initial scope tab.

Please refer to the guidance within the Worktribe applicant user guide.

Within the scope questions, you will be asked whether you believe your application presents minimal risk.  If you respond 'yes', your application will be categorised in the system as medium risk:

  • Medium risk applications (the equivalent of the previous minimal risk process) are reviewed on behalf of the committee by the OxTREC Secretariat. Applicants should allow 30 working days for review from the time when a complete application (including all required supporting documents) has been received through Worktribe.


The activities listed below should not be deemed to be of minimal risk simply because they are included on this list. Inclusion on this list merely means that the activity is eligible for review through the expedited review procedure when the specific circumstances of the proposed research involve no more than minimal risk to participants.


1. Whether a study qualifies as medium risk is a decision taken by OxTREC and not the applicant. OxTREC therefore reserves the right to request a full application at any time.

2. Indicative criteria for minimal risk studies are as follows:

  • The risk and magnitude of possible harms associated with these studies must be no greater than those of daily living activities of the volunteers
  • Includes most questionnaires or interviews which would not distress the volunteers and will remain confidential
  • Does not include a drug or medical device
  • May allow non-invasive or minimally invasive specimens or tests (eg urine/stool/saliva samples; nasal/throat/rectal/vaginal swabs in adults)
  • May allow use of specimens collected for routine health purposes
  • May include venous blood sampling from healthy adults up to a maximum volume of 1ml/kg in 8 weeks

3. For such studies please answer ‘yes’ to the Worktribe scope question ‘Do you believe your research to present minimal risk?’


Please also submit the following supporting documents:

Documents to submit
Document Template

Participant information sheet (if appropriate)

Consent form (if appropriate)

Form for NIH funded studies (only applicable if your study is funded by the US National Institutes of Health) 

Any other documents relevant to the study



All study documentation should have a version number and date on each page of the document (header or footer).

4. The application and supporting documentation should be submitted through the online ethics application system (Worktribe)

5. Medium risk applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

A full application is required for all other studies, and will be reviewed by committee.

All applicants should now be using the online ethics application system (Worktribe Ethics) using their University Single Sign-on (SSO). The Microsoft Word application forms have been replaced by one online form. The form is dynamic, so the questions applicants are asked to answer will depend on answers to questions in the initial scope tab.

Please refer to the guidance within the Worktribe ethics applicant user guide.

Within the scope questions, you will be asked whether you believe your application presents minimal risk.  If you respond 'no' (which is correct for full commitee review), your application will be categorised in the system as high risk:

  • High risk applications (the equivalent of the previous full application process) are reviewed by committee at their next meeting (see meeting deadlines below).


1. The OxTREC committee meets six times a year (see dates below). Applications received before the next submission deadline will be reviewed at the following meeting. You can expect to receive a response from the committee approximately two weeks after the meeting date.

Submission deadlines
Sponsorship review deadline Submission deadline OxTREC meeting date 
Friday 13th December 2024 Friday 03 January 2025 Thursday 30 January 2025
Friday 07 February 2025 Friday 28 February 2025 Thursday 20 March 2025
Friday 11 April 2025 Friday 02 May 2025 Thursday 22 May 2025
Friday 13 June 2025 Friday 04 July 2025 Thursday 24 July 2025
Friday 15 August 2025 Friday 05 September 2025 Thursday 25 September 2025
Friday 17 October 2025 Friday 07 November 2025 Thursday 27 November 2025


2. Applications for full review that require University of Oxford Sponsorship should first be submitted to the RGEA sponsorship team (rgea.overseas@admin.ox.ac.uk) at least 3 weeks before the deadline above. The Sponsorship approval letter must be uploaded to the documents tab in the online ethics application system (Worktribe Ethics) prior to submission for ethics review.

3. The following supporting documents, and any other documents relevant to the study, should be submitted along with the full application form:


Document Template

A copy of the local ethics approval if available



Participant information sheet (if relevant) OxTREC participant information sheet
Consent form (if relevant) OxTREC consent form

PI signatory form

PI signatory form

OxTREC clinical trial protocol template

OxTREC clinical research protocol template


4. All study documentation should have a version number and date on each page of the document (header or footer). Please put the OxTREC application number on each document.

5. Important note: For clinical trials, please ensure that you complete fully the questions on trial registration in the application. Provision of this information is mandatory and trials cannot be granted ethics approval by OxTREC in the absence of a clinical trial registration number.

Application timeframe

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Medium risk applications can take up to 30 working days to review. Note the 30 day clock starts when all required documents have been received. It stops while revisions are being made.

1. Submit application and supporting documents via Worktribe

2. Application checked by OxTREC administrator

3. Receive acknowledgement that all required documents have been received

4. OxTREC secretariat will lead on reviewing your study

5. Receive a study review, which may ask for clarification or changes

6. Respond and await further possible review - multiple communications may be involved

7. Respond satisfactorily to all enquiries/comments from OxTREC

8. Receive an approval letter


Full committee applications received before the next OxTREC submission deadline will be reviewed at the following committee meeting. You can expect to receive a response within two weeks of the meeting. Note that you may be asked for clarification/amendment before approval can be granted.

1. Submit application form and supporting documents via Worktribe

2. Application checked by OxTREC administrator

3. Receive acknowledgement that all required documents have been received

4. Study reviewed at OxTREC meeting

5. Receive a study review, which may ask for clarification or changes

6. Respond and await further possible review - - multiple communications may be involved

7. Respond satisfactorily to all enquiries/comments from OxTREC

8. Receive an approval letter

After you apply

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1. Any changes to your study post-approval must be submitted as an amendment. This should include a letter giving the reasons for the proposed modifications and all modified documents with changes tracked.

Amendments are to be submitted using the same system as the original ethics application; i.e., if the original ethics application was made using a Microsoft Word application form, the amendment needs to be submitted via email.  If the original application was submitted through Worktribe, the amendment will also need to be submitted through Worktribe.


2. On each anniversary of the date of approval, you must submit an annual report to the OxTREC secretariat using:

3. Within 12 months of completion of your study, you must submit an end of study report to the OxTREC secretariat using:

Complaints process

In the event that a participant complaint is made about research approved by OxTREC then the relevant local ethics committee should be informed in the first instance. 

If the complaint is likely to lead to an insurance claim then it should be reported to RGEA (RGEA.Complaints@admin.ox.ac.uk) for consideration.

Any complaints about the OxTREC committee itself should be made to CUREC: curec@admin.ox.ac.uk


In extremely rare cases OxTREC may not be able to provide ethics approval. An appeals procedure is available for appealing a decision to withhold, suspend or withdraw approval of research.