Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF)

Following a review, a new decision-making panel has been instituted, and application are now open to eligible projects. The deadline for applications is 28 February at 17:00 and the Panel will meet on 21 March to make decisions. All applications have to be made via the IRAMS link below (Main Menu - IRAMS). The details on eligible projects are in the TOR and in the Application form and guidance below.  For more information on intentions to apply please contact your Division Leads.  For technical queries on application process, please contact Dr. Hara on:


SIF investments focus on identifying and developing high-impact, flexible and highly innovative or creative project concepts. It enhances the chances of excellent research having far-reaching impact, typically through attracting substantial external funding, or significantly advancing research translation and commercialisation.

The fund is worth up to a maximum of £2.5 million per year. The SIF is funded from annual surplus returns from research commercialisation activities, which Council has agreed will be shared with the Strategic Research Fund.

The SIF panel meets termly to review applications.


The Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) is an internal fund which was approved by the University Council in July 2019. It aims to accelerate the pace with which strategic research and innovation projects are developed into investable proposals. It is a time-limited, one-off investment that focuses on identifying and developing high-impact, flexible and highly innovative or creative project concepts. It enhances the chances of excellent research having material and far-reaching impact, typically through attracting substantial external funding, or significantly advancing research translation and commercialisation. 

It is aligned to the following priorities in the University’s Strategic Plan 2018-23:

  • 12: ‘Continue to broaden and invest in our innovation activities and foster the entrepreneurial environment for staff and students’
  • 19: ‘Expansion of the innovation districts in and around Oxford, including at Begbroke Science Park and Osney Mead’ 

The total fund is worth up to a maximum of £2.5 million per year and the panel will determine the size of award per project. 

The SIF is funded from annual surplus returns from research commercialisation activities, which Council has agreed will be shared with the Strategic Research Fund.

The Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) supports the development of new strategic innovation projects that will accelerate impact of the excellent research by growing innovation activities at Oxford and attracting substantial external funding. The aim is to unlock significant opportunities either by pump-priming new or sustaining strategic and critical activities. It is aligned to the local and global (priority 4) of the emerging strategic plan (2025-30) - Supporting society and the local and national economy by further developing a world-leading and inclusive innovation ecosystem.

More specifically to:

i)       develop a world-class innovation ecosystem,

ii)      support entrepreneurship in line with the outcomes of the spin-out review

iii)     enhance our local and global impact

SIF investments will support:

  • Large Innovation Bids - the SIF can fund the technical skills (consultancy, external expertise) required to submit a proposal for large funding calls or attract investors or commercial partners. The SIF may be used to solicit external expertise to respond to technical criteria that may be required.
  • Collaborative Innovation Projects - the SIF can support multi-partner programmes. Typically, multi-partner programmes and activities supported by the SIF will enable knowledge exchange, innovation, commercialisation, engagement and partnership-building activities.
  • Strategic Innovation Partnerships - these projects are highly attuned to the requirements of a commercial partner, private or philanthropic funders, and they are often highly confidential and sensitive. Funding can equally support the initial stages of a partnership that aligns with the University's strategic interests.
  • Enabling projects - Unique projects that enable the further development of innovation activities across the University, respond to an identified gap in provision in the Oxford Innovation Ecosystem, or projects that align to the VC or PVC (Innovation)'s strategic objectives.

The SIF supports direct costs associated with project development activities such as:

  • costs to bring in internal or external technical expertise required to complete a bid, contract or business case which can include for example project costings, quantification of environmental, archaeological, social or economic impact of the project 
  • project management roles essential to support:
    - the delivery of pilot or preparatory activities
    - the development or strengthening of new or existing partnerships
  • direct costs necessary to support:
    - the preliminary enabling, piloting or preparatory of innovation projects or other enabling works
    - events related to developing or strengthening partnerships

The SIF is a one-off and time-limited fund for developing new projects. It does not fund: 

  • ongoing costs of existing projects (BaU)
  • external delivery or implementation of projects

A panel chaired by the PVC (Innovation) will make funding decisions. Members are drawn from:


▪ Divisions

▪ A college representative

▪ Subject matter specialists such as academic leads

▪ Global innovation expertise – internal or external Guidance for the Strategic Innovation Fund


The scheme is administered by Research Services and the panel will decide on the level of SIF award to be made. The SIF will report to the Knowledge Exchange and Impact  Sub Committee (KEISC) and to the Research and Innovation Committee (RIC) as necessary.

The SIF is open to receiving projects from any source across the University and successful projects will need to meet most of the following criteria:

i)     Strategic Alignment: Align with the University’s Strategic Plan and SIF objectives as outlined above.

ii)    Transformational Impact: Demonstrate potential for significant and measurable economic or social benefits through cross-institutional collaboration.

iii)    Scalability and Sustainability: Present a clear plan for outputs, outcomes, and sustained impact beyond the funding period.

iv)    Leverage Opportunities: Indicate how the project could unlock larger opportunities, such as substantial external investment or expanded regional/global influence.

v)     Strong Foundations: Be supported by robust partnerships and governance structures, including clear deliverables and monitoring plans.

vi)    Complementary Funding: Where other funds have been secured, demonstrate no duplication and outline how SIF funding complement these sources.

Departments and divisions will need to approve applications as part of the application process in IRAMS. 

Need guidance? Please contact your divisional SIF representative as below:

The next deadline is 28 February and applications should be made on the IRAMS portal. For information about future deadlines, please contact Dr Thandiwe Hara.

Prospective applicants must engage with the following: 


  1. Contact your Head of Department and Divisional Representatives to notify them of your intention to apply to the SIF. This is an opportunity for you to discuss and get some feedback on whether your application is suitable for the SIF.
  2. Submit your application in IRAMS by the advertised deadline.
  3. Please note that departments and divisional offices are required to approve the project by the listed IRAMS deadlines.

For any enquiries or an informal project discussion, please get in touch with Dr Thandiwe Hara.

If you have a general queries about the SIF please contact:

Impact Statements


The support from SIF has been instrumental to the early success of Kickstarting Heritage Innovation. The funding provided has not only ensured that the project has a dedicated full-time project manager but has further enabled the project to develop discrete employment opportunities for researchers both within the university as well as external consultants.

Having a full-time project manager has ensured a stability and continuity essential for growing both our sustained relationships to partners such as Blenheim Palace as well as the research programmes we have developed with them. In the year since our project began, we have watched our demonstration projects grow from pilot studies into a cohesive research initiative with unique legacy potential.

None of this would have been possible without the support of the Strategic Innovation Fund.

Kickstarting Heritage Innovations