Research Support : All Pages
- Home
- Copyright
- Picture Credits
- Accessibility Statement
- Funding
- Internal funding
- Co-ordinated University bids
- Applying for funding
- Costing and pricing
- Research contracts
- Managing awards
- Research governance & integrity
- Training & support
- About us
- News & consultations
- Research information
- Policies
- TRAC and Non-TRAC Research Facilities
- Research process overview
- Major funders
- Reporting
- Nicola Dixon
- Emily Graham
- Ruth Fiddy
- Ana Serra Barros
- Guffi Chohdri
- Zoë Lee
- Contacts
- Carly Banner
- Gavin Brown
- Emily Lloyd
- Sally Pelling-Deeves
- Kay McNamee
- Julie Matthews
- Ken Bedding
- Paul Fox
- Carol Cornelius
- Ronja Bahadori
- Jacqueline Gerencser
- Barbara Stafford
- Kate O'Neill
- Karl Shepherd
- Lucy Booth
- Andrew Dodd
- Helen Barnby-Porritt
- Leah Butts
- Sami Kelsh
- Lotte Boon
- Tricia Murkin
- Kara Eastwood
- Eugenio Barrio
- David Saunders
- Helen Carstairs
- Arija Crux
- Intellectual Property Advisory Group (IPAG)
- Knowledge Exchange and Impact Sub-Committee (KEISC)
- Research Information Management and Technology Sub-Committee (RIMTS)
- REF Project Board
- Research & Innovation Committee
- Innovation & impact
- Research Professional
- Other sources of information
- Departmental funds
- Erasmus funding for academic teaching staff
- Junior Research Fellowships (JRFs)
- Oppenheimer Fund: academic exchanges
- Oxford-Burma Visiting Funds
- Oxford-Canterbury (NZ) Exchange Programme
- Public Engagement with Research Seed Fund
- Returning Carers' Fund
- Career Development Fellowships
- Knowledge Exchange & Impact Funding
- Donations for research
- Training
- Integrity and ethics training
- Finance training
- Symplectic Elements training
- Events listing
- Networks
- Research & Innovation Support Network
- Other Oxford networks
- Professional bodies
- Industry partnership funding
- ESRC Impact Acceleration Account funding
- KE Seed Fund
- University Challenge Seed Fund (UCSF)
- Research misconduct
- Conflict of interest
- Katie Price
- Matt Carr
- Daniela Ciubotaru
- Sarah Walker
- Funding application guidance
- How to apply for funding
- British Academy (Flexi-Grant®)
- DFID – Technology provider window for frontier technology livestreaming
- Biomedical resource and technology development grants
- Mini innovations partnership scheme (MIPS) – STFC
- Urban innovation in Brazil – Innovate UK
- James Boon
- Wayne Peters
- Sam Hannis
- Tequila Osborne
- Dean Callaghan
- Ciaran Starrett
- Mark Grundy
- Stephen Barker
- Operations Team
- Development and Accounting Team
- Assurance Team
- British Heart Foundation (Flexi-Grant®)
- Cancer Research UK (Flexi-Grant®)
- Catriona Hopton
- European Commission
- Research Councils (Je-S)
- Leverhulme Trust (Grant Tracker)
- Research Services organisational structure
- BI (Business Intelligence) interactive research reports for departments/divisions
- Research funding metrics
- External research income
- X5 BI reports
- Activity reports from GoPro
- In progress reports from GoPro
- Management information
- Overview and deadlines
- Access to BI research reports
- BI research reports help, guides and FAQs
- Tenders
- Report archive
- National Institutes of Health
- National Science Foundation
- Royal Society (Flexi-Grant®)
- Wellcome Trust (Wellcome Funding Platform)
- Consultations
- Research support newsletters
- News
- John Fell Fund
- Notes for applicants
- John Fell Fund FAQs
- Apply
- Manage your award
- Reporting to funders
- Researchfish
- Gateway to Research
- Open access
- Symplectic Elements
- University policies
- Frascati definition of research
- Terms and conditions for the use of data in Symplectic Elements
- Help with Symplectic Elements
- Symplectic Elements FAQs
- Policy A-Z
- Data quality
- Charity and business QR
- Nagoya Protocol
- Export controls and international research collaborations
- Previous awards
- John Fell OUP Research Fund Committee
- Rosie Salazar
- Process
- Guidance
- Documents
- Research project set-up
- Management
- Financial reporting
- Controls
- Good practice
- Key funder requirements
- Summary for Principal Investigators
- Medical research grant applications
- Research collaboration (with or without funding)
- Transfer/sharing (confidential information, materials, data)
- Clinical research
- Studentships
- Search for a facility
- Engaging consultants
- Consultancy & services
- Intellectual property
- Research facilities and equipment
- Research integrity and Practice
- Research ethics (including CUREC)
- Clinical trials & research governance
- Publication and authorship
- Collaborative research
- Accepting an award
- Where and how to apply for ethics review
- Resources for researchers preparing an application
- Committee information
- Research ethics FAQs & glossary
- Research ethics FAQs
- Research ethics glossary
- Consultancy
- Services
- Research integrity checklist
- Compliance with external conflict of interest requirements (including US NIH)
- Actions required through the research lifecycle
- Oxford’s intellectual property policy
- The IP commercialisation process
- Useful IP resources
- Research data
- MS IDREC application process
- SSH IDREC and DREC application process
- OxTREC application process
- Informed consent
- Approved procedures
- Best practice guidance
- Research ethics guidance from professional associations
- Medical Sciences Interdivisional Research Ethics Committee (MS IDREC)
- Oxford Tropical Research Ethics Committee (OxTREC)
- Social Sciences & Humanities Interdivisional Research Ethics Committee (SSH IDREC)
- Departmental Research Ethics Committees (DRECs)
- Research ethics policy
- Ethics committee contacts
- Research integrity and ethics policy
- Information for ethics committee members
- Costing
- Pricing
- X5 costing and pricing system
- Rates
- FEC cost categories
- Directly incurred (DI) costs
- Indirect costs
- Directly allocated (DA) costs
- How the FEC rates are calculated
- Preparing the project budget
- What is the expected price?
- Pricing and negotiating research contracts with industry
- Pricing research for UK government departments
- Overview of the pricing and negotiating process
- Issues that may arise in discussions with an industrial party
- Factors that may influence the price charged under a research contract
- Previous rates
- How to use X5
- Access to X5
- Funder and external collaborator set-up
- Approval in X5
- Reports
- Terms and conditions
- X5 FAQs
- IP Rights Management team
- Key documents & regulations
- Study classification
- Sponsorship
- Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMP)
- Research governance & classification
- Sponsorship & approvals
- Where to submit for ethics approval
- Review process
- Study preparation
- Medical device trials
- Clinical research studies
- Research using biological samples, tissue banks or data banks
- Conduct of clinical research
- Informed consent
- Good Clinical Practice monitoring (clinical trials only)
- Amendments
- Research completion
- Documents required
- Protocol
- Participant information sheets & informed consent forms
- Resources for clinical research governance
- HRA and ethics submissions training
- Annual research integrity reports
- Research facilities FAQs
- Elements Users Forum
- Public and Community Engagement with Research
- When is a contract required?
- Funding for a research project
- Types of research contract
- Information to supply
- Contract FAQs
- Safety reporting
- Safety updates and progress reports
- Serious breaches of Good Clinical Practice or protocol
- Early end/temporary halt to the research
- Health Research Authority (HRA) and NHS Research Ethics Service
- Central University Research Ethics Committee (CUREC)
- Clinical research process
- Guidance on award types
- Laura Middleton
- Daniel Meacoe
- Central University Research Ethics Committee (CUREC)
- Site A-Z
- Forms
- Nathan Davies
- Register for Symplectic Elements
- Impact in Symplectic Elements
- Spinout companies: guidance for departments
- Internal Research Award Management System (IRAMS)
- Guidance for external researchers
- STFC Impact Acceleration Account funding
- EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account funding
- Julia Haynes
- The League of European Research Universities (LERU)
- Jamie Sutton
- Managing a National Institutes of Health award
- Sophie Baines
- X5 training
- Burma visiting scholars
- Victoria Richardson
- MRC Proximity to Discovery: Industry Engagement Fund
- Research applications library
- More
- Novo Nordisk Fellowship Programme
- Oxford-BMS Fellowship
- Oxford-Elysium Prize Fellowship in Cellular Health
- Oxford-UCB Prize Fellowship in Biomedical Research
- Networking and Interdisciplinary Fund
- Humanities Division REF Strategic Support Fund
- TORCH New Network Scheme
- Africa-Oxford travel grants
- Medical Sciences Internal Fund bridging salary scheme
- Medical Sciences Internal Fund pump priming scheme
- Medical Sciences Internal Fund family leave scheme
- Medical Sciences Internal Fund clinical pre-fellowship scheme
- BBSRC ISCF Agri-food Technology Seeding Catalyst
- Insurance for research
- Wellcome ISSF: individual career support
- Wellcome ISSF: interdepartmental strategic initiatives
- Human tissue governance
- Resources for human tissue governance
- Training requirements for the Human Tissue Act 2004
- Access to essential medicines in the developing world
- Grants in Symplectic Elements
- Mark Crossley
- Public engagement in Pathways to Impact
- Funder reports on Oxford
- Introduction to GRP
- Academic Development Centre – Gulf Science Innovation and Knowledge Economy
- Survey on the culture of research metrics in UK research organisations
- Research IT Board
- Call archive
- Emma Nagel-Smith
- Rachel Lloyd
- Rebecca Tosca
- Medical and Life Sciences Translational Fund (MLSTF)
- THIS Institute Postdoctoral Fellowships (deadline: 13 April 2018)
- Philippa Kraftl
- NERC Responsive Mode
- Early career fellowships
- Luke Caunt
- Data protection & research
- About data protection
- Scope of GDPR
- Responsibilities under GDPR
- Transfer of data
- Joy Wiles
- Practical considerations
- GDPR consent requirements
- Data protection checklist
- GDPR exemptions
- ESRC large grants (deadline: 20 April 2018)
- Research funding metrics: new sector comparison data available
- Study on research stays abroad
- Data protection and research: updated guidance
- Training for clinical researchers
- Good Clinical Practice (regulated trials) online training
- Terms and conditions of access to MARS
- AHRC impact and engagement follow-on funding
- Vice-Chancellor's Innovation Awards 2018
- New CUREC forms
- Victoria Porritt
- Humanities Knowledge Exchange Fellowship
- Business Intelligence research reports terms and conditions of use
- Antoniya Markova
- Matthew Goff
- Clinical research using Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or wildtype pathogens
- Dorota Pawlik
- Eleanor Salmon
- ESRC IAA-GCRF NGO secondary data funding
- Social Sciences KE Fellowships – Business and Industry
- Social Sciences KE Fellowships – Public and Community Engagement
- MARS: a new tool for managing award projects
- Stephen Conway
- Laura Scifo
- Anne Mortimer
- Human tissue governance FAQs & glossary
- Women in Humanities Postdoctoral Writing Fellowship
- Martin Carrolchick
- REF 2021 guidance and criteria
- New requirements for NHS research ethics committee approval
- Open access: RCUK APC allocation policy finalised for 2018-19
- David Chittenden
- Oxford/Berlin Research Partnership Seed Grants
- Research Professional: find funding
- Katarina Wiecha
- EPSRC block grant for ECR capital equipment
- Innovating for a sustainable future
- New guidance available for NERC responsive mode
- OUI launches support for social enterprises
- REF 2021 staff briefings
- TORCH International Partnership Scheme
- TORCH International Fellowships
- TORCH Global South Visiting Professors and Fellowships
- TORCH Conference and Workshop Fund
- Annaleise Wood
- REF 2021 code of practice consultation
- REF 2021 code of practice consultation
- MS IDREC decision tool – OxTREC filter
- MS IDREC decision tool – OxTREC
- MS IDREC decision tool – NHS R&D permission filter
- MS IDREC decision tool – HRA
- MS IDREC decision tool – higher risk studies
- MS IDREC decision tool – CUREC 3
- MS IDREC decision tool – CUREC 2 filter
- MS IDREC decision tool – CUREC approved procedures
- MS IDREC decision tool – CUREC 2
- MS IDREC decision tool – CUREC 1
- Jennifer Gladstone
- Heritage Seed Fund
- New research funding metrics report
- REF 2021 code of practice consultation: update
- Updated research data management policy
- Research Professional: demo
- Research Professional: hands-on session
- Consultation on the Knowledge Exchange Framework
- KEF consultation
- Maru Mormina
- Caroline Taylor
- Global code of conduct for research in resource-poor settings
- Haley Carter
- Research funding metrics: new income report available
- The Oxford–Venice Initiative
- REF2021 code of practice consultation
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Research collaboration and export controls
- Departmental contacts for HTA licences
- Incident reporting
- Internal Research England GCRF support fund (round 3)
- REF 2021 and Symplectic Elements
- Thandiwe Hara-Msulira
- OUI GCRF Sustainable Impact Fund
- Knowledge Exchange Concordat consultation
- BBSRC Review of Data-Intensive Bioscience consultation
- International collaboration
- Evaluation mechanism for international research partnerships and collaboration
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Research funding metrics: new sector comparison data available
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Oxford Martin School funding
- Clare Huggard
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Introduction to Research Administration and Management at Oxford
- Virginia Yanez-Gonzalez
- Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- UKRI Review of support for AI – international benchmarking and collaboration
- REF 2021 privacy notices
- NIHR Research Professorships
- Melanie Whitfield
- Philippa King
- Oxford International Seed Fund
- Research funding metrics: first 2019 report published on research applications and awards
- Lisé Castagnoli
- Clone of BBSRC Review of Data-Intensive Bioscience consultation
- Major review of the Higher Education – Business and Community Interaction collection (HE-BCI): consultation phase 1
- Monica Kundan Finlayson
- Internal Research England GCRF support fund – call for small-scale projects
- Strategic Research Fund: Guidance
- Principles to promote responsible use of research metrics
- One Month Research Fellowship in 'Resurgent Racism'
- TORCH Global South Visiting Professorships
- Humanities Cultural Programme – Visiting Fellowships
- Humanities Cultural Programme – Project Funding Call
- Gary Priest
- AfOx TORCH Fellowship
- AfOx Collaborative Fellowship
- AfOx Law Fellowship
- AfOx TRADE Fellowship
- AfOx ASC Fellowship
- AfOx Nekton Fellowship
- Senior AfOx Visiting Fellowship
- AfOx Research Impact and Engagement Acceleration Awards
- AfOx Research Development Awards
- Research & Public Policy Partnership Scheme
- Sharron Pleydell-Pearce
- Strategic Research Fund open to expressions of interest
- University of Oxford's REF results
- GCRF India Oxford Initiative – ODA thematic workshops
- Researchfish archive data
- HTA licensing at the University of Oxford
- Weidong Chen
- Patricia Grasa-Molina
- Research funding metrics: new income report available
- Enriching Engagement
- Jennifer Blaikie
- Accessibility statement for the University of Oxford – UAS websites on the Oxford Mosaic platform
- Consultation on UKRI’s open access policy
- Research funding metrics: new success rate report available
- Research Services values and commitments
- Lab10X business incubator
- Good Clinical Practice Admin
- Caroline Hosking
- Statement on the impact of COVID-19 on research
- X5 training: Introduction to FEC
- X5 training: introductory module
- X5 training: module 1
- X5 training: module 2
- X5 training: module 3
- X5 training: module 4
- X5 training: module 5
- X5 training: module 6
- X5 training: module 7
- X5 training: module 8
- X5 training: module 9
- Research funding metrics: new sector comparison data available
- Impact of COVID-19 on researchers and the UK research base: BEIS survey
- Berlin Centre for Global Engagement: inaugural call for proposals
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Alessandro Mirto
- Research Professional online training
- Research Professional: how to search for funding
- Research Professional: how to search by discipline
- Research Professional: how to save and share search results
- Research Professional: news, articles and other resources
- Research Professional: how to manage your profile
- Oxford survey on the impact of the COVID-19 emergency on research staff and fellows
- Research integrity online training
- Evaluation resources for public engagement with research
- CUREC process for restarting research in Medical Sciences departments
- OPEN fellowships
- Webinar: a recipe for evaluating online citizen science
- Survey of research staff on the impact of coronavirus: report published
- House of Commons Science and Technology Committee consultation on a new UK research funding agency
- UK Research and Development Roadmap consultation
- Division of responsibilities guidance notes
- Common European Submission Platform registration, submission and training
- Obtaining ethical and HRA approvals – online
- Clinical trials and research governance glossary
- Guidance for researchers working remotely with participant data
- Definition of terms: research, audit and service review
- Guidance for researchers on writing lay summaries
- Town hall meeting for research staff
- Oxford Net Zero
- X5 training: Collaborative costings
- NIHR Global Health Research Centres
- BBSRC review of its eight institutes
- Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust – Translational Biomedical Research Award
- Social Sciences Engagement Fellowships
- ASPECT Social Science Innovation Fellowships
- Social Sciences SDG Impact Fund
- Philip Leverhulme Prize 2021 in Psychology
- Leverhulme Research Centres
- RISN meeting
- RISN meeting
- Rosetrees Trust Interdisciplinary Prize 2021
- Oxford protocol for calls by third parties for doctoral programme bids
- Wiener-Anspach Research Project Grants
- TORCH Critical-Thinking Communities
- Humanities Cultural Programme – Microfund
- Humanities Cultural Programme – Visiting Fellowships
- Humanities Cultural Programme – Project Funding
- Amanda Bennett
- Trusted Research
- The Minderoo–Oxford Challenge Fund in AI Governance
- Leverhulme International Professorships
- Joshua Baylis
- Oxford–Berlin University of the Arts project funding
- X5 privacy notice
- X5 data anonymisation schedule
- Philly Howarth
- 2022 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the United Kingdom
- Research awards and associated personnel administration (online)
- Health Research Bridging Salary Scheme
- Embedding Awards
- TORCH–All Souls Global South Visiting Professorship 2022
- Alison Poole
- OX|BUA Centre for Advanced Studies: Global Health call
- Sheryn Simpson
- Lindsey Hales
- Verena Blum
- TORCH New Network Scheme
- Administration & Finance Team
- Research Funding & Contracts Team
- Innovation & Engagement Team
- Research Strategy & Policy Unit
- Research Governance, Ethics & Assurance Team
- RISN annual conference: 2021 & beyond
- Research Culture Enhancement Fund
- Tanita Casci
- Equity sharing
- NetworkPlus call for financial services
- NIHR Research Professorships (round 12) and Global Research Professorships (round 5)
- Climate and Health Pump-Priming Fund
- University of Oxford, TU Berlin and Siemens AG Seed Fund
- Paris-Oxford Partnership: visiting fellowship programme
- Paris-Oxford Partnership: early career researcher partnership programme
- BBSRC ALERT mid-range equipment for biosciences research scheme
- RISN meeting
- OX|BER Research Partnership: short-term flexible funding
- X5 accessibility statement
- Turing AI Fellowships
- Oxford Policy Engagement Network (OPEN)
- Obtaining ethical and HRA approvals – online
- Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF)
- NERC Discipline Hopping for Environmental Solutions
- Introduction to good clinical research practice (online - live)
- Introduction to GRP – online
- Introduction to GRP – online
- OPEN Leaders Scheme 2022 (archived information)
- Research and Public Policy Partnership Scheme 2022 – Call for applications
- BA Global Professorships
- Privacy settings in Symplectic Elements
- Rosetrees Trust Interdisciplinary Prize 2022
- Georgina Hallett
- Philip Leverhume Prize (Economics; Geography; Archaeology)
- Leverhulme Research Leadership Awards
- Leverhulme International Professorships
- Introduction to GRP – online
- Introduction to GRP – online
- Introduction to GRP – online
- Leyla Esmeray
- NERC Strategic Capital Call
- Philip Leverhulme Prize (Chemistry; Engineering)
- Jack Howarth
- Consultation on the design of the UK’s future research assessment system
- Tiffany Shumaker
- Contracting with business models
- Research Culture at the University of Oxford
- Madalina Serban
- Matthew Hickman
- Emily Henderson
- Research Excellence Framework results: communications drop-in sessions
- Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowships
- Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
- Ye Rum Kim
- Supporting the Concordat Action Plan
- Vice-Chancellor's Innovation and Engagement Awards
- REF 2021: Updated advice and guidance
- UKRI Open Access Policy - changes for PIs and researchers
- Researchers at Risk: Ukraine
- Rosemary Musesengwa
- Welcomes, inductions and signposting for researchers
- Representation and decision-making for fixed-term researchers
- Communicating policy and best practice
- Equitable treatment and clear follow-up for researchers
- Career Development Reviews
- Career stability
- Dedicated time for professional development
- Kathryn Betts
- Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships
- Anna Wright
- IRAMS privacy notice
- Research Practice
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (round 7)
- Introduction to GRP (Good Research Practice)
- Introduction to GRP (Good Research Practice)
- Introduction to GRP (Good Research Practice)
- Introduction to GRP (Good Research Practice)
- Introduction to GRP (Good Research Practice)
- Introduction to GRP (Good Research Practice)
- REF 2021 Equality and Diversity Report and submissions published
- Oxford awarded more than £7M in latest round of UK Research and Innovation’s Impact Acceleration Account funding
- REF 2021 panel reports
- UKRI budget allocation 2022-2023 to 2024-2025 announced
- Appointment of University Academic Lead for Research Culture (Research Practice)
- REF 2021 results published
- UKRI launches integrated website
- UKRI: UK Committee on Research Integrity panel members announced
- IRAMS data retention
- UK participation in Horizon Europe: funding reassurance
- RISN Conference dates confirmed
- Research funding applications and the new University flight levy
- EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment 2022
- Sandra Baker
- Elena Villarreal Norton
- Carlos Cabrera-Tejedor
- Community Research Networks – Expressions of Interest
- Ferdousi Chowdhury
- Launch of the Open Science Framework at Oxford
- Oxford to receive £164M in Quality-related Research Funding
- GCRF and Newton Fund Consolidation Account: ODA
- Other ODA 2022
- Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research 2023
- UK participation in Horizon Europe - formal consultations underway
- Researchers at Risk: Ukraine - call for funding
- NERC: Consultation on prioritising future research funding on planetary health
- New code of conduct for ethical fieldwork developed by the School of Geography and the Environment
- Chi Jack-Osimiri
- Dale Ghanem
- Claudia Gonzalez-Lopez
- Magdalena Laskawiec-Szkonter
- NIHR Research Professorships and Global Research Professorships
- Research Integrity – online training in good practice in research
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Sarah Callaghan
- SRF how to apply
- Oxford-Berlin Research Partnership
- Altmetrics, social media attention and more
- Expression of interest: purchase mid-range equipment for biomedical research: MRC Equip
- BBSRC ALERT 2022 call for mid-range equipment for biosciences research
- NERC Cross-disciplinary Research Capability for Discovery Science at Oxford
- Equity and inclusivity in research funding
- Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships 2023
- Research@Oxford
- BBSRC Pioneer awards: early-stage frontier bioscience research
- About Research@Oxford
- Learn how to curate Research@Oxford
- Getting started
- MRC Centres of Research Excellence (CoRE)
- Focus on Elements data used by Research@Oxford
- Elements user guides
- Research@Oxford FAQs
- Amy Beveridge
- CRediT and Symplectic Elements
- Learn how to search and explore Research@Oxford
- Alastair Richards
- Research Practice Group
- Research Facilities and Equipment at Oxford
- Browse research facilities
- Browse equipment
- Alison Stevenson
- Claire Prenter
- Megan Papadopoulos
- Rachel Piper
- Sandrine Rendel
- EPSRC Place Based Impact Acceleration Accounts (PBIAA)
- Jodie Tafin
- Privacy
- VACANCY: Supporting open research at the University of Oxford: UKRN Local Network Leads for Reproducible Research Oxford (5 positions)
- Emily Parkes
- Rosetrees Trust Interdisciplinary Prize 2023 - Internal EOIs
- Jackie Thompson
- Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) Springboard Award
- Emily McGerty
- Monica Palmero Fernandez
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (round 8)
- Emma Grant
- Research Excellence Framework (REF)
- Ellie Thompson
- Jenny Haswell
- Varun Agrawal
- Tamara Sanchez
- Oscar Cherrill
- Amaani Akhtar
- Anna Christopher
- REF preparations
- Caitlin Upshall
- Operations Team
- REF contacts
- REF 2021
- REF 2021 Guidance and Framework
- UKRI Mental Health Platform Hubs
- Begbroke Living Lab
- Olga Kozlova
- Results, reports and submissions
- REF 2021 code of practice
- Emily Dyer
- Bee Brown
- Yasmin Bahar
- SRF case studies
- Guillaume Pages
- Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) CDT calls
- REF 2021 Policies
- Use of REF Results
- MRC Impact Prize
- Update on research contracts support
- Population health improvement network of clusters
- Get involved with Reproducible Research Oxford
- Equity and inclusivity in research funding: Delivering change at the University of Oxford
- Nicholas Chandler
- Jessica Cabrera-Dorta
- Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships
- Faye Shelbourne
- Jonathan Triffitt
- Research England Connecting Capability Fund Pump-Priming
- REF 2029
- Diane Clark
- Rozhin Razavi
- ScannaX-Radiography generators (XR150Kv and XRS-4 370Kv)
- Ashmolean Conservation Facility
- Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Advanced Microscopy
- Atik Cameras Ltd Opus Apollo IRR Camera
- Atom Probe Group
- Blue Scientific Ltd Combined Hydra XRF/XRD
- Surface Plasmon Resonance Facility
- Materials - Cleanroom Facility
- Blue Scientific Ltd Crono ARTAX XRF
- ECS Partners Ltd Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) Dome
- ICDD PDF-4 license and Malveryn Panalytical HighScore Plus Software and PDF4 Databaseal
- Keyence VHX 7000
- Wex Photography Fuji GFX System - cameras and lenses
- Cameca 3DAP-LAR
- Cameca LEAP 3000X HR
- Cameca LEAP 5000X
- Bio-Rad ProteOn XPR36 Protein Interaction Array System
- GE Healthcare Biacore T200
- Biomedical Research Computing (BMRC)
- History of Science Museum Conservation Facility
- Leica M80 Stereo Microscope, computer and cameras (Leica), plus Dell laptop
- Oxford University Museum of Natural History Conservation Facility
- Canon EOS 6D camera body, Kaiser RS1 copy stand Macrophotography station: Canon camera body Kaiser copy stand
- Central Scanning Ltd Structured Light Scanner including Artec EVA Scanner and Artec Space Spider Scanner
- Zeiss Axio Scope A.1
- Zeiss SteREO microscope v12
- Research Lab for Archaeology and the History of Art
- Optical Particle Imaging Centre (OPIC)
- Wyatt Technology DAWN HELEOS
- Inorganic Materials Characterisation
- X-Ray Crystallography Facility
- DigiSafe
- Sustainable Digital Scholarship (SDS) Service
- GE Healthcare Lunar iDXA
- David Cockayne Centre for Electron Microscopy (DCCEM)
- Flow Cytometry Facility CHG
- BD Biosciences BD FACSAria Fusion 5 Laser System
- BD Biosciences BD LSRFortessa X20
- Don Mason Facility of Flow Cytometry
- Cytoflex LX
- BD LSR Fortessa X20
- Amnis ImageStreamX MkII
- BD FACSAria Fusion
- Flow Cytometry Facility Experimental Medicine
- Flow Cytometry Facility Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology
- BD LSRII (Blue / Red / Violet Lasers)
- Becton Dickinson Aria III
- Becton Dickinson LSR Fortessa (Blue / Yellow-green / Red / Violet Lasers)
- Cytek Aurora
- WIMM Flow Cytometry Facility
- Flow Cytometry: Analysis and Cell Sorting Jenner Institute
- BD FACSAria Fusion with Biological Safety Hood
- BD LSR Fortessa X20
- BD LSRII (Blue / Red / Violet Lasers)
- Genome Engineering Oxford (GEO)
- Genome Engineering & Transgenics Facility
- Earth Sciences Stable Isotope Analysis
- Thermo Scientific Delta V Advantage
- Earth Sciences Electron Micro-Analysis - SEM
- SX5-FEG Cameca
- Earth Sciences Electron Micro-Analysis Electron Microprobe
- Earth Sciences Trace Element ICP-MS Small Research Facility
- Earth Sciences Geological Facilities
- Various optical microscopes
- Cryomagnetics
- Advanced Research Computing (ARC)
- Cellular High Throughput Screening (HTS)
- Histology Small Research Facility
- Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Histology Facility
- Sakura Tissue-Tek DRS
- Sakura Tissue-Tek Glas
- Sakura Tissue-Tek TEC
- Cellular Imaging Core Facility
- Preclinical Imaging Facilities
- Bruker BioSpin 11.7T vertical bore MRI system (AVANCE 500)
- Oxford Instruments HyperSense
- Varian 7T horizontal bore MRI system
- Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN)
- Light Microscopy Facility
- Nicholas Kurti High Magnetic Field Laboratory
- Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Mass Cytometry Facility
- Advanced Proteomics Facility
- Mass Spectrometry Research Facility
- Agilent 7200 QTOF
- Research Practice Training
- Thermo Scientific Exactive
- Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Elite
- Thermo Scientific Q-Exactive
- Waters LCT Premier
- Waters MALDI Micro MX
- Waters Quattro Micro
- Waters Synapt HDMS
- Waters Xevo GS-2
- Waters Xevo GS-2-S
- NanoSims Group
- ABSciex Triple TOF 5600
- Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole
- Aglient 6560 with 1290 LC System
- Orbitrap Fusion Lumos ETD
- Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Ultra
- Thermo Orbitrap Elite ETD
- Thermo Q-Exactive
- Thermo Q-Exactive HF
- Oxford Materials Characterisation Service (OMCS)
- Polymer Processing
- Arcotronics Web Coater
- Mechanical Design and Workshop
- Dunn School Bioimaging Facility - Electron Microscopy
- Leica AMW automated microwave processing unit
- Leica EM AFS2 automated freeze substitution unit
- Leica EM ICE high pressure freezer
- Leica Ultracut 7 ultramicrotome
- Zeiss Sigma 300 FEG-SEM
- Dunn School Bioimaging Facility - Light Microscopy
- Olympus FluoView FV1000
- Olympus FluoView FV1200
- Olympus SoRa spinning disc confocal
- Zeiss 880 Airyscan
- Zeiss Axiovert 200M
- Laboratory for In-situ Microscopy and Analysis (LIMA)
- Micron Imaging Facility
- Wolfson Imaging Centre
- Central Oxford Structural Molecular Imaging Centre (COSMIC)
- FEI Talos 200c
- FEI Talos Arctica
- FEI Titan Krios
- FEI Vitrobot Mark IV
- Nanofabrication and Electron Microscopy - Physics
- NMR Centre - Biochemistry
- NMR Spectroscopy Facility - Chemistry
- Photofabrication Unit (PFU)
- LPKF Multipress II and photographic etching service
- MRC WIMM Sequencing Facility
- Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics (AOPP) - Space Instrument Development and Testing
- Centre for Advanced Electron Spin Resonance (CAESR)
- Agilent Cary 60
- Bruker BioSpin ElexSys E580
- Bruker BioSpin ElexSys E680
- Bruker BioSpin EMXmicro
- James and Lillian Martin Centre for Stem Cell Research
- BioRad X200
- EVOS Fl Auto
- Hamilton StarPlus
- Surface Analysis Facility (SAF)
- Thin Film Facility
- Earth Sciences Workshop
- Electronics Design and Workshop
- Electronics Workshop - Chemistry
- Glassblowing Workshop - Chemistry
- Mechanical Workshop Chemistry
- Crystallography Facility
- Molecular Biophysics Suite
- Agilent Cary 4000
- Beaglehole Instruments Picometer Ellipsometer
- Bio-Rad FTS-6000
- Bio-Rad PT7125 Barrel Plasma Etcher
- Bruker Vertex 80
- Digital Instruments MultiMode SPM Nanoscope
- Edwards Auto 306
- IT Concept TRACKER
- Micromeritics 3flex
- Micromeritics AutoChem 2920
- Olympus FluoView FV1200MPE Basic
- Micromeritics Tristar
- Varian FTS-7000
- XPS System
- XPS System ii
- Alexandra Marchant
- Schmidt Science Polymath program
- Francesco Paradiso
- Developing a narrative CV: guidance for researchers
- Structural Dynamics Lab
- Get started with Symplectic Elements
- Symplectic Elements privacy statement
- Research Excellence Framework 2029 STAFF PRIVACY STATEMENT
- UKRI (ESRC) Network Plus funding opportunities
- NIHR Research Professorships and Global Research Professorships
- Leverhulme International Professorships 2023
- BA Global Professorships
- Research Councils (the UKRI Funding Service)
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Conflict of Interest Principles and Examples
- Jonathan Milton
- Irina Horodinca
- UKRI-NIHR Research Hubs: Realising the health co-benefits of the transition to net zero
- Viral Vector Core Facility
- Srishti Rani
- MRC Centres of Research Excellence (CoREs)
- Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research 2024
- Leanne Morgan
- Ivona Spill
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Elena Jarii
- UKRI Funding Service technical difficulties
- Developing a narrative CV
- MRC Equip: internal selection for mid-range equipment for biomedical research
- NERC Strategic Capital Call 2023
- Martha Buckley
- Paul Davison
- Stephanie Mathyssek
- Horizon Europe: EC information on calls in the 2024 work programme
- UKRI levelling-up sandpit: opportunity to participate
- The Royal Society Career Development Fellowships
- Developing a narrative CV
- Lucy Barron
- Kennedy Trust – Senior Research Fellowship 2024
- Wellcome Trust Palaeogenomics and Bio-Archaeology Research Network
- Agilent TapeStation 2200
- Life Technologies StepOnePlus RT-PCR
- Life Technologies Proflex 3x32 Thermocycler
- Eppendorf Concentrator Plus
- Agilent TapeStation 4150
- EPSRC Place Based Impact Acceleration Account (PBIAA) – Round 2
- Research Portfolio Committee
- Titan Krios G31
- Glacios TEM
- Developing a team narrative CV
- Leading in Academic Research Environments
- Developing a team narrative CV
- BBSRC ALERT 2023: call for mid-range equipment for biosciences research
- Jo Harris
- Wellcome audit of the University: follow-up (non-financial) requirements
- Developing a narrative CV - in practice
- Oxford welcomes ECRs for one-week autumn school on open and responsible research
- Lucy Golding
- Letitia Jean
- Nicola Cilliers
- Lucy Sanderson
- Sir Jules Thorn Trust – Research Infrastructure Fund 2024
- NEW INTERNAL PROCESS AND DEADLINE: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (Round 9)
- Matilda Akayesi
- Emma Sarcol
- Rosetrees Trust Interdisciplinary Award 2024
- Philip Leverhulme Prize 2024 in Psychology
- Leverhulme Research Centres 2024
- Philip Leverhulme Prize 2024: Earth Sciences and Physics
- FCDO Product Development Research for Global Health
- Zoe Bredenkamp
- Dorota Nawrot
- Maccel Obejero
- Schmidt Science Fellows 2025
- Nick Gehman
- Oxford Motion Capture Services
- AI Futures Grants
- Research Support: Use of cookies on this website
- Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) Springboard Award
- Sarah Eichhorn
- AHRC Responsible AI Demonstrators
- Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists 2025 – Internal Selection Process Launched
- Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Research Fellowships – Internal Selection Process Launched
- Dawn Tohill
- Leica Ultracut 6 FCS cryo-ultramicrotome
- JEOL 2100Plus TEM
- JEOL 1400Flash TEM
- Charles Brassley
- Uyanga Amarsaikhan
- Strategic Research Fund
- Anika Lodhy
- Carrie Batliner
- Joshua Lowe
- Oluwatoyin Tella-Binoyo
- Priscilla Warner
- Concordat for the Environmental Sustainability of Research and Innovation Practice
- Recent survey assesses awareness and use of various research practices at Oxford
- Computational Genomics
- Zeiss LSM900 Airyscan 2
- Olympus SpinSR SoRa with high content imaging
- Leica SP8 FALCON
- Leica SP8 WLL (SP8 SMD X)
- Zeiss ELYRA PS1
- Zeiss Microbeam Laser Capture Microscope
- Leica Widefield microscopes
- Evident FV4000
- Schmidt Science Polymath Programme 2024
- Anna Newell
- British Academy Global Professorship EOI process - 2024
- George Woodman
- NIHR Research Professorships and Global Research Professorships 2024
- EPSRC core equipment call 2024
- Human Tissue Governance Training and Workshop Schedule
- Advanced Single Cell OMICs
- Mass Cytometry Facility
- Therapy Acceleration Lab (TAL)
- **UPDATED** UKRI Cross Research Council Responsive Mode: round 2
- New CRO/PD training (12217) - next session March 2025
- MRC Centres of Research Excellence (CoREs)
- CCB: High-Performance Computing Facility
- Sony Europe MA900 Sorter
- Thermo Fisher Attune NxT analysers (3)
- Becton Dickinson LSR Fortessa analyser
- Becton Dickinson LSR Fortessa X20 analysers (3)
- Becton Dickinson LSR Fortessa X50 analyser
- Becton Dickinson FACSAria III sorter
- Becton Dickinson FACSAria Fusion sorters (2)
- Becton Dickinson FACSDiscover S8 sorter
- Karolina Gulbickaite
- Using iPassport for HTG (12217)
- Mary Kimani
- Katie Breeze
- Theodora Enache
- IRAMS accessibility
- Vincent Ortet
- Update on the Equity and Inclusivity in Research Funding Action Plan
- Diana Lee
- Nicholas Connor
- Audits (cross licences)
- Raising and dealing with Non-compliances (cross licences)
- Simon Guillaumé
- Nathan Kirwan
- Shannon Powell
- Amy Richmond
- Amy Crickmay Heraty
- AXA Chairs 2025
- MRC Equip: internal selection for mid-range equipment for biomedical research
- Knowledge Exchange Framework
- Valentina Mione
- Oluwatoyin Ololade
- BBSRC ALERT 2024 call for mid-range equipment for biosciences research
- Risk Assessments (cross licences)
- Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research 2025
- Richard Somerville
- CHG-BDI Network Connection Hardware
- Compute Cluster
- Core Network
- dPCR
- Exafs1 storage
- Global File system storage
- GPU Infrastructure cluster
- High Performance Storage
- OpenStack Infrastructure compute and storage
- X Cell lab controller
- Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7
- Zeiss Spinning Disc
- Multiomics Technology Platforms
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Facility
- Biomek i5 liquid handler
- Chromium X
- Dragonfly liquid handler
- EpMotion5072 liquid handler
- FAST Instrument with 96 channel head liquid handler
- Mantis
- MiSeq benchtop sequencer
- Mosquito LV liquid handler
- NextSeq 500 Sequencing System
- NovaSeq 6000 Sequencing System
- Olink Signature Q100 96000 specialised qPCR
- Xenium spatial transcriptomics platforms
- New Research Ethics System – Worktribe
- Mass Spectrometry (NDM-CMD)
- Department academic appointed Chair of REF 2029
- Protein Production SRF
- Protein Crystallography (PX SRF)
- Bruker Amazon ETD (Atlas)
- QTOF Agilent 6530 (Magic)
- TOF Agilent 1969 (Lazarus)
- Imagers
- Mosquito Liquid Handling Robot
- AKTA Pure CMD4722
- Formulator
- Research Informatics (RI)
- Platforms - Clio, Hydra, Hypnos, Private Cloud, Tanzu and Virtual Machine
- AKTA Pure CMD4723
- AKTA Pure CMD4742
- AKTA Pure CMD4752
- AKTA Pure SGC4468
- AKTA Pure SGC4493
- AKTA Purifier SGC4036
- AKTA Purifier SGC4037
- AKTA Purifier SGC4385
- Biorad SGC4510
- Biorad SGC4515
- Biorad SGC4516
- Biorad SGC4517
- Dionex 2019
- Dionex SGC4534
- Biochemistry and Biophysics Group
- AKTA Purifier SGC4417
- Murray Gardner
- FACS Sony Sorter
- Agilent
- AKTA Twin Express
- Biacore S200
- Bruker NMR Spectrometer
- Labcyte Access Echo 550
- Labcyte Echo 550
- Monolith NT.115
- NanoITC
- Octet Red384
- PheraStar FS & Stacker
- PheraStar FSX & Stacker
- Prometheus NT.48
- QTOF System Agilent Rapidfire MS and LCMS
- Zeiss confocal Microscope Carl
- FACS Aurora
- Bioprocess & Analytical Development (BiPAD)
- AKTA Pure
- Dasgip 4-fold bioreactor controller
- HPLC Agilent 1260 Infinity
- Incubator SciQuip 3-tier stackable
- Clinical BioManufacturing Facility (CBF)
- 2 colour high speed, high sensitivity live cell imaging for cardiac myocyte imaging through Nikon Ti-2 and Photometrics Kinetix cameras
- 2 x Zeiss LSM980s including Airyscan Super-resolution
- Hamamatsu Nanozoomer S210 Slide Scanner
- Live cell incubation
- Long term live cell fluorescence and brightfield microscopes
- Multiphoton laser
- Perkin-Elmer Operetta High Content Imaging
- Ultracentrifuge Optima L-80 XP Series
- Ultracentrifuge Optima XPN 80K
- AKTA pilot system
- Autoclave 3023
- Biostat Fermenter
- Crystal M1 Filling station
- Incubator 3012
- Isolator 3259
- Ultracentrifuge 3004
- Ultracentrifuge Optima XPN 80K
- What is research culture and what are we doing about it
- UKRI Network Clusters: Novel human in vitro models of complex disease
- FACS QIASymphony SP
- Discovery Proteomics Facility
- Structural & Mechanistics Protemics (STaMP)
- Evosep One
- Orbitrap Ascend
- Orbitrap Astral MS with Lumo
- TimsTOF Pro LC-MS System
- Bannin De Witt Jansen
- TDI Metabolomics
- Aquilos2 + FIB-SEM
- Arctis PFIB-SEM
- GP2 Leica
- Vitrobot (Thermofisher) Plunging devices
- ELX 405 Biotek
- Envision 2103
- Incell 6000
- LABS 3550 Bigneat
- Liquid Level Recovery Unit 7005074
- Opera Phenix 4 Camera 1400L18167
- Perkin Elmer FlexDrop Exi
- Perkin Elmer FlexDrop
- Perkin Elmer Janus
- Perkin Elmer MDT and GIP
- Perkin Elmer PlateStacker
- ScanLaf
- SCARA robotic handling system
- 2024 college staff privacy statement
- Research Excellence Framework 2029 NON- STAFF PRIVACY STATEMENT
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (Round 10)
- IRAMS service level agreement
- University of Oxford and Ellison Institute of Technology join forces in a transformative strategic alliance
- Human Tissue users training
- PCER Strategy 2024-2029
- HDX Cyclic IMS
- Online Ethics Application System (Worktribe)
- Sidak Singh
- Philip Leverhulme Prize 2025
- Rosetrees Trust Interdisciplinary Award 2025
- Kimberley Rimber
- Kate Warlow-Corcoran
- Greg Jones
- IRAMS CRM Terms and conditions
- Nuve Yazgan
- Natalia Shimokhina
- Flow Cytometry - NDM OxCIO
- Tetiana Hryshchuk
- FACS Attune NxT with CytKick Max
- FACS Cytek Aurora 4 Laser
- FACS LSR Fortessa X-20
- New Research Ethics System – Worktribe January 2025
- Trusted Research and Assurance Surgery
- UKRI: Proof of Concept
- The Huo Family Foundation: Special Projects 2025
- Heather Cater
- Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Single Cell and Spatial Genomics Facility
- Chromium X (10x Genomics)
- BD Rhapsody Express (BD Biosciences)
- CosMx (NanoString – Bruker)
- GeoMx (NanoString – Bruker)
- Visium CytAssist (10x Genomics)
- Yuning Liu
- Leverhulme Research Leadership Awards 2025
- Jenny McLaughlin