Major funders
Latest guidance for the main funders of academic research at Oxford
If you are thinking of putting together a grant application, please get in touch with your departmental administrator and research facilitator as soon as possible (at the very latest four weeks before the deadline), so that they can provide advice and assistance with the preparation of your proposal. The sooner you get in touch, the more they will be able to help.
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Oxford funding guidance
AHRC funding guidance
See the UKRI website for current funding opportunities.
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Oxford Funding Guidance
BBSRC funding guidance
See the UKRI website for current funding opportunities.
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Oxford funding guidance
EPSRC funding guidance
See the UKRI website for current funding opportunities.
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Scheme specific guidance
Oxford funding guidance
ESRC funding guidance
See the UKRI website for current funding opportunities.
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Oxford funding guidance
- Open access requirements at Oxford
- Data management plan requirements
- Advice for medical research grants applications
MRC funding guidance
See the UKRI website for current funding opportunities.
See also: Funder reports on Oxford.
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Important information for NERC Responsive Mode rounds
NERC are currently implementing demand management measures whereby the number of applications for Responsive Mode rounds is capped by institution. If you would like to apply to the next round you should contact your departmental administration team immediately.
Scheme specific guidance
Oxford funding guidance
NERC funding guidance
See the UKRI website for current funding opportunities.
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Oxford funding guidance
STFC funding guidance
See the UKRI website for current funding opportunities.
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Scheme specific guidance
UKRI Funding Service to replace Je-S
Je-S is being replaced by a new UKRI Funding Service. Many funding opportunities are already being run through the Funding Service. By the end of 2024, all Research Council opportunities will be launched and managed only in the Funding Service. Please visit our 'How to apply' webpage for information on each Research Council's transition planning, as well as functionality and other key information.
Scheme specific guidance
Oxford funding guidance
- Open access requirements at Oxford
- Step-by-step guide to British Academy's online application process
British Academy funding guidance
See the British Academy's website for funding opportunities
Oxford funding guidance
- Open access requirements at Oxford
- Step-by-step guide to BHF's online application process
- Advice for medical research grant applications
BHF funding guidance
For news and funding opportunities see BHF's Researcher Notice Board
Oxford funding guidance
- Open access requirements at Oxford
- Data management plan requirements
- Step-by-step guide to CRUK's online application process
- Advice for medical research grant applications
CRUK funding guidance
- Funding for researchers website
- Advice on how to make a successful application
- Clinical research funding guidance
Search the CRUK website for funding schemes
Scheme specific guidance
- Leverhulme Research Fellowships 2022
- Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships 2025
- Leverhulme Research Fellowships: X5 factsheet for costing teaching replacements
Oxford funding guidance
- Open access requirements at Oxford
- Step-by-step guide to Leverhulme's online application process
Leverhulme Trust funding guidance
See the Leverhulme Trust's website for details of grant schemes
Scheme specific guidance
- Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships guidance 2025
- Newton International Fellowships 2025
- Royal Society Faraday Discovery Fellowships 2025
- Royal Society University Research Fellowships 2025
Oxford funding guidance
- Open access requirements at Oxford
- Step-by-step guide to Royal Society's online application process
- Advice for medical research grant applications
Royal Society funding guidance
See the Royal Society's website for grant scheme opportunities
Scheme-specific guidance
- Wellcome Early Career Awards guidance
- Wellcome Career Development Awards guidance
- Wellcome Discovery Awards guidance
Oxford funding guidance
- Open access requirements at Oxford
- Step-by-step guide to Wellcome's online application process
- Data management plan requirements
Wellcome funding guidance
See Wellcome's scheme finder for funding opportunities
Horizon Europe
The UK is now eligible to apply to EC calls under Horizon Europe (the EC's current Framework Programme for Research, 2021-2027). The RS Research Funding team provides guidance on Horizon Europe in general as well as specific schemes. These can be found in the drop-down list below.
Further information on funding calls can also be found on these external websites:
European Research Council (ERC)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
Information on how to use the Funding & Tenders Portal can be found on our specific EC portal page.
If you have any other questions about EC funding, please do contact us via
Short introductory videos
- EC funding background (7 minutes)
- EC funding eligibility and Oxford success (9 minutes)
- EC Horizon Europe overview (20 minutes)
- Creating an application in the EC portal (4 minutes)
General information briefings
ERC general guidance
ERC Starting Grant
- ERC Starting Grant 2025 recorded presentation (36 minutes)
- ERC Starting Grant 2025 presentation slides
- ERC Starting Grant 2025 application factsheet
ERC Consolidator Grant
ERC Advanced Grant
ERC Synergy Grant
- ERC Synergy Grant 2025 recorded presentation (46 minutes)
- ERC Synergy Grant 2025 presentation slides
- ERC Synergy Grant 2025 application factsheet
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- MSCA PF 2024 pre-application notes for potential fellows
- MSCA PF 2024 briefing presentation slides
- MSCA PF 2024 - European Postdoctoral Fellowship application factsheet
- MSCA PF 2024 - Global Postdoctoral Fellowship application factsheet
MSCA Doctoral Networks
MSCA Staff Exchanges
Oxford funding guidance
- Open Access requirements at Oxford
- Data management plan requirements
- Step-by-step guide to NIH's online application process
NIH funding guidance
Search the NIH website for funding opportunities
See also
Funding from federal agencies in the United States has become an important part of the research funding portfolio at Oxford. Our researchers have been successful in securing grants from a range of US federal agencies.
Here is a selection of federal agencies that may offer the greatest opportunities for researchers at Oxford (in terms of scale of funding available and/or its availability to non-US organisations):
- Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- Department of the Air Force: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
- Department of the Army (The Department of the Army and other Department of Defense agencies fund across a range of disciplines including medical programmes related to the public as well as the military). See also:
- Department of the Navy: Office of Naval Research (ONR)
- Department of Education (DOED)
- Department of Energy, see also:
- Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), excluding NIH. See also:
Advice for finding funding
All federal grant funding opportunities are advertised on, the electronic system through which applications for grant funding are usually submitted. The search grants section will allow you to search for opportunities under all US agencies.
Some federal agencies also fund through research contracts. These are advertised on the agencies’ own websites and on FebBizOpps and FedConnect.
Submitting applications
See our step-by-step guide to submitting NIH applications.
It is strongly advised to talk to the programme official/scientific officer when considering the preparation of a proposal. Programme officials can give good advice on the potential fit of your proposal to the agency’s call and discuss how to address any particular application requirements (eg the foreign component justification of an NIH proposal led by a non-US organisation).
For further information or advice on these funders please contact your Research Services divisional team.